Connect with Lily's Fund

Lily's Friends • A Parent Connection

“Your child has epilepsy.”

Those are some scary words. And watching your child have a seizure is even scarier. We want you to know, you are not alone. Whether your child has just been diagnosed, started a new medication, about to start the keto diet or have surgery, or heading off to college, we have been there. And we ARE here for you.

Lily’s Friends is a group of parents who all have children (infant to young adult) with epilepsy. Our children have various seizure types, are of different ages, and have unique challenges but we are united in our desire to be there for other parents and caregivers. We are not professional therapists or doctors. We are just parents that have walked (and are still walking) your path.

Let us know if you want to connect with another parent volunteer who has been there. Then you both can decide how best to proceed…phone, text, in person, by zoom. Whatever works between you.

You can also join our private Facebook group where we share med side effects, new research, learning and social issues, the keto diet, our worries, our mistakes…whatever!


Lily’s Fund is volunteer led, which means we can always use some help! Whether it be helping with a fundraiser, rallying people at your school or office to wear purple for Purple Day, hosting a lemonade stand, creating a brochure, or a whole host of other tasks that need to be done, we hope you’ll join us! Email us to discuss.


Contact Us

Anne Morgan Giroux 
Lily’s Fund

Colleen Penwell  
Lily’s Fund

Sara DeTienne
UW Foundation

Lily’s Fund for Epilepsy Research
2526 Norwood Place
Madison, WI 53726