Seize the Day. Plan for Tomorrow.
$1 Million Gift Launches Planned Giving Program
We are the 1 in 26
My name is Sue. (That’s me in the middle with my two kids.) I know firsthand how epilepsy can change one’s life. I am the 1 in 26 who developed epilepsy. And now I’m determined to change the lives of others by sharing my story publicly for the first time and donating $1 million to Lily’s Fund for Epilepsy Research through my will. I’d like you to join me as we launch a new way to give to epilepsy research in the future through planned giving.

Make it Simple
A bequest is the easiest type of planned giving and costs nothing during your lifetime. A bequest can be included in a new will or added to an existing will or living trust. You can designate Lily’s Fund at UW Foundation to receive a specific dollar amount or a percentage.
Financial Advisor
Already have a financial advisor? Bring this with you next time you meet. Some gifts can get a bit more complicated – gift annuities, charitable trusts, charitable lead trusts – to name a few. Let your advisor know you want Lily’s Fund in your estate plan.
A Million Ways
Real estate, securities/stocks, gift annuities, retirement funds, life insurance plans…there are many ways to give. Our experts at the UW Foundation can easily transition more complicated assets into a meaningful gift to Lily’s Fund.

We hadn’t thought about this kind of giving before, as we didn’t see ourselves in that kind of position. But now we understand how easy it is to add even a modest amount to our will. How wonderful that our daughter, who lives with epilepsy, will see our gift honor her during her lifetime.

Kim and Wags
“I wanted to support Lily’s Fund because of their continued assistance through my epilepsy and cancer journeys. Being able to designate Lily’s Fund as the beneficiary of my pension gives me peace of mind and comfort.”